Given the operating environment, and in line with the desire to achieve its mission, the key strategies SFCC will use over the next five (5) years are:
The goal of SFCC’s participatory training is to achieve enhanced knowledge and skill for the transformation of the teachers and students to a greater level of effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. FSCC will use participatory learning approach to impact knowledge, share ideas, and effect re-orientation towards a better individual life, community, and the world. Training will be conducted at different levels: Different approach will be used mostly for knowledge and skill development for teachers and formal education for the students.
The goal of FSCC service delivery is to achieve an affordable and quality education for the students. SFCC will engage in direct service delivery in the areas of education by effectively utilizing the existing facilities and establishing new ones.
The goal of this strategy is provide adequate publicity and patronage for SFCC. Adequate time and other resources will be invested to documentation of SFCC achievement and projects, our success stories and lessons learned will be shared with the beneficiaries, parents, FSIC, and other partners through different means available, we will use published IEC materials, e-newsletter, website, regular media, social media, town-hall meetings and conference paper presentations. Awareness and publicity has the potential to increase patronage for the school which will widen prospect for collaboration and supports.
The goal of this strategy is to build the student by inculcating in them the deep knowledge of the Word of God, and encourage them to be bold to share it with others. Both counseling and nurturing will be used as complementary strategies to guide students to make the right decisions, to deepen their knowledge and skills, and to correct any inappropriate attitude and behaviour.
SFCC will adopt strategic alliance, networking, and collaboration as a strategy to liaise and work with government, community, non-governmental Organizations, and relevant international development partners to improve coverage and access to funding. The goal of this strategy is increased access to and utilization of SFCC for quality education for our students.
The goal of SFCC’s advocacy is improved policy environment and programmes for the school. As a school we will conduct advocacies to help publicize our school and also to improve the buy-in of community, government, church and parent in our school activities.
This strategy will focus on improving the competence, capacity, and capability of SFCC for effective and efficient perform. Staff’s capacity improvement; provision of adequate resource materials, equipment and facilities; networking with relevant partners to expand services to our students; and monitoring of programmes and overall Organisational performance will be the means by which the SFCC will become strong and sustainable in its activities.
San Franseco Advantage
The goal of FSCC service delivery is to achieve an affordable and quality education for the students. SFCC will engage in direct service delivery in the areas of education by effectively utilizing the existing facilities and establishing new ones.
The Guiding principles of SFCC
The goal of FSCC service delivery is to achieve an affordable and quality education for the students. SFCC will engage in direct service delivery in the areas of education by effectively utilizing the existing facilities and establishing new ones.
San Franseco Advantage
The goal of FSCC service delivery is to achieve an affordable and quality education for the students. SFCC will engage in direct service delivery in the areas of education by effectively utilizing the existing facilities and establishing new ones.